Letter to  The Chief Secretary Union Territory of Puducherry

Letter to  The Chief Secretary Union Territory of Puducherry                                                       dt: 05.09.2008

A New cabinet has sworn in at Pondicherry after eight long month’s stalemate. Yet, no portfolios are allotted to the ministers and confusion still continues. I hope that the cabinet shall come out soon as a functioning cabinet. It is further expected that the ministers who come to power should be honest, interested in welfare of people and honour the assurances given by their party to the people.

Three days ago the congress supremo Smt Sonia Gandhi has said  that anyone who indulges in criminal acts and bribery should not be permitted even to contest in elections.

During last July parliament session when the confidence motion was moved by Dr. Manmohansingh for voting the core corrupt bribing acts of parliamentarians was exposed by the printing and electronic media which has shown the pathetic condition of parliamentary democracy.

As a preclude to this, eleven years ago in Puducherry ie., in 1997, the present Chief Minister Sri V. Vaithilingam, EX_Chief Minister Sri D. Ramachandran, Ex –MLA  Sri Natarajan bribed rupees 9.5 lakhs to Sri M. Kandasamy  present minister. The money was heaped inside Speaker’s Chamber. This was exposed to the people by all medias. A case was also filed by the Supdt of Police and the same was referred  to CBI (RC.No. 21,22/1007 dt 29.4.1997)

On 21.01.08, I requested certain details regarding the scams as below. A) How many cases have been filed by CBI in Puducherry, B) What is their current status ( through  Right to Information Act from the Chief Secretary of Puducherry). He replied me that he was not competent to answer and had forwarded the same to CBI.

 The CBI has furnished the following information  “ as on 28.12.07, 48 cases have been registered and few cases were concluded. Few other cases were referred to departmental action. The other cases are in process”. As per Sl. No. 32, 33 (copy enclosed), the involvement of the present Chief Minister, Ex Chief Minister, and Mr Kandasamy present minister are pending for disposal. This case is pending for the past five years. Naturally suspicion arises whether the vested interests are working to protect these criminals.

The Honble Supreme Courts  latest pronounced  judgments states that even in case of the accused and complainant have come for an understanding to compromise , the complaints, the case on it and lawful actions on that complaint shall continue. Whether this judgment shall apply to this case or not.

The pretending attitude of the now Chief Minister and Other Minister as if they were released from the case is sheer cheating the CBI and the people enacting a drama. Is it believable that someone threw the bundle of 9-1/2 lakhs rupees to the corridor of the house and no one knows who did it?. What the present Minister stated in the FIR. We wish that the facts should be brought to light to the people of Puducherry.

We request your kind intervention in this issue as the Chief Executive of this Union Territory to immediately order to pursue this case which is lying for more than FIVE years without any efforts for disposal. Criminal offenders, persons involved in bribes should not be allowed in power. Hence, kindly take action to speed up the CBI actions to preserve the confidence of the people in parliamentary democracy.

With regards.
T, Murugan , State committee member  CPI(M)

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