Letter to The Hon’ble Minister MHRD


The Honourable Minister
Ministry of Human Resource Development
Government of India
New Delhi

Respected sir,

Sub: Pondicherry Central University – Continuing  fraudulent   Acts to increase awarded marks to students – culminating   In murder of  Sri Jayaraman – request to order for CBI  Inquiry  reg,

   The Pondicherry Central University is located at Chinnakalapet in the Union Territory of  Puducherry. Government  Educational  institutions and several private professional colleges are affiliated to the  Pondicherry Central University.

     Privatisation initiatives in education sector has created a tough business competition among the private professional colleges. In order to increase their academic status and perceived worth, these self financing private professional colleges were forced to ensure higher percentage of results of their students, high marks and to secure more placements in the multinational companies. As a result, bringing certain officials of Pondicherry University to prepare fraudulent marksheets has become rampant. Money is obtained even from private individuals to commit marklist fraud. This fraud is being committed for a long time. A powerful political background and a lobby of self financing private colleges are extending support to those who are committing mark list fraud. During last year when accusations of fraud were made in the MBBS answer sheets, the fraudsters protected themselves making an innocent person as a scape goat. In 2008 the fraudsters have again protected themselves by murder of one Sri Jayaraman, a data entry operator at Pondicherry University.

                          Some months earlier, Engineering semester examination answer sheets were corrected  and marks were entered into computers. When Sri Jayaraman was doing this data entry work he was astonished to note that ‘zero zero’ in the mark list  had been entered as ‘sixty’ in the computer. He checked several answer sheets and he found that original marks of several answer sheets have been wrongly entered in the computer. Immediately Sri Jayaraman filed a complaint to his superior ie., Ms. Chitra who is the Deputy Registrar of the University who brought this issue to the attention of the Vice Chancellor. The Vice Chancellor constituted an inquiry committee under the chairmanship of one Sri Sampath, an official connected to the marklist fraudsters.

                                  The murdered Sri Jayaraman without succumbing to the temptations and the threats of the fraudsters, faced  the inquiry. At this juncture several efforts were made to frame Sri Jayaraman, who is actually the whistle blower in this scam. As a result of mental torture meted out to him. Sri jayaraman consumed sleeping pills and tried to commit suicide on 17/02/2008. As his health deteriorated, he was admitted in a private hospital initially on 18/02/2008. There he had given a dying declaration to the Sub Inspector of police. Since the private hospital refused to give proper treatment to him, Sri Jayaraman was admitted in JIPMER and his life was saved.

                                 On 19/05/2008 Sri Jayaraman was murdered. As a precautionary measure, on 26/04/2008, Sri Jayaraman has filed a complaint at the Kalapet police station that he had received murder threats and that some strange men are stalking him. Also, while fighting for his life after he had tried to commit suicide, he has given affidavit against the fraudsters. The Police Department has utterly failed to act legally on these complaints which led to the murder of Sri Jayaraman. Hence no one will believe that an impartial probe into his murder will be conducted  to meet the ends of Justice at local level. In view of the above, the immediate need of the hour is to totally prevent the frauds being committed inside the Pondicherry Central  University  and increase the quality of education. Streamlining the administration of the University and punishing the real culpirits behind the murder of  Sri Jayaraman are of vital importance, for which we request to order a CBI probe into the murder of  Sri Jayaraman.

Yours Sincerely

K. Rangarajan
Member of  Parliament
Rajyasabha , New Delhi


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